What is ECVET 


ECVET is a system for the recognition, accumulation and transfer of credits in the field of vocational education and training. With this system, knowledge, skills and competences (learning outcomes) acquired by an individual during his professional education and training both within the borders of his country as well as in other Member States of the European Union, can be assessed and certified. More specifically, through ECVET, learners who have acquired learning experience in other European countries, will have the possibility to recognize and include this experience in their vocational education and training in their country of origin.


What is the aim of ECVET

The aim of ECVET is to enable the recognition of qualifications for learners of the secondary vocational education, initial and continuing vocational education and training during the mobility periods, by creating a common qualification framework, the use of common language, and the enhancement of exchanges and mutual trust between VET beneficiaries across Europe. In the context of facilitating the international mobility and the mobility of students and workers as well in EU member states, ECVET aims to support the recognition of learning outcomes acquired through formal, non-formal and even informal process learning. ECVET is based on concepts and processes that are used in a systematic way so as to create a commonly accepted and transparent way of credit transfer and recognition of learning outcomes in the field of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Some of these concepts and procedures have already been incorporated into several qualifications systems in several European countries.

ECVET11 Key Elements of ECVET

ECVET is characterized by the following key elements:

Learning outcomes: are knowledge, skills and competences that learners may acquire in different learning environments proving their professional efficiency by possessing a qualification. It is the anticipated result of learning independently of the way it was acquired (formal, non formal, informal learning) and refers to the knowledge, skills and competences a learner should know, understand and be able to implement them after the successful completion of a learning outcome (CEDEFOP, 2010).

Qualifications/titles: it is the formal outcome (certificate, school certificate (apolytirio), degree) of an assessment process, which is obtained when a competent institution confirms that an individual has achieved pre-defined learning outcomes.

Subunits/Units of learning outcomes: are the elements making up the qualifications that can be assessed, validated and recognized. It is a coherent set of knowledge, skills and competences, that can be assessed and certified.

Credit points: give information on the knowledge, skills and competences that a person should have for obtaining the qualification. These credits can be transferred to another learning context (formal, non formal, informal), while accumulated they lead to the acquisition of the qualification to the extent that the existing procedures and the relevant certification regulations in the participating countries allow it.

ECVET Points: through these, credits are weighted with the qualifications. These points provide information on credits and the qualifications in a numerical form.


ECVET Points: through these, credits are weighted with the qualifications.  These points provide information on credits and the qualifications in a numerical form. 

o The mobility in a VET institution abroad, as a means of acquiring new skills and upgrading qualifications, it becomes more attractive for learners as it leads to the acquisition of specific professional standards, that is, learning outcomes.
o The participants that acquire new qualifications in an institution abroad have more possibilities and opportunities to find work.
o The labor mobility is strengthened for the benefit of those who wish to certify and recognize learning outcomes, coming from the non-formal and informal learning.
o Significant time is saved by identifying the period of education and training abroad
o Substantial bilateral cooperation between institutions that strengthen local and national vocational education and training systems are developed.
o Mutual trust and cooperation between VET institutions is consolidated through the signature of Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) and Learning Agreements.


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