We are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus Programme in 2017 – A milestone for Europe!

The Erasmus+ programme addresses many key concerns of young people in Europe and beyond. We have a lot to share with you this year – so stay tuned to learn more about how the programme helps to tackle these issues and contribute with your own ideas! Throughout 2017 we will explore different themes relating to key social, economic, educational and cultural developments.

Europe’s diverse society is supported by and reflected through Erasmus+. Not only does an Erasmus+ experience allow people to discover a new culture first hand, it builds bridges between people and places. People from all types of backgrounds benefit from the Erasmus+ programme – from the student whose family has lived in the same region for generations but remains socially excluded to the newcomer who has escaped conflict in his country of birth. Additional funding is also offered to people who face more obstacles – mental, physical or financial – than their peers. In 2014 and 2015 alone, more than 35,000 students with financially disadvantaged backgrounds took part in higher education exchanges, while another 120,000 people participated in youth mobility projects.

The programme’s evolution over the past 30 years also allows more people to get involved. There are opportunities for volunteers, vocational education trainees, adult learners of any age, and many, many more. Online collaborative platforms such as eTwinning , EPALE, and the School Education Gateway  enable people with very diverse backgrounds to be included in building a more cohesive European society. For example, through the Online Linguistic Support  Erasmus+ supports the integration of refugees into Europe’s education and training systems, and ensures their skills development.

If we’ve come this far in 30 years, imagine what we can do in the next 30 as people touch the lives of one another, one Erasmus+ experience at a time.


Whether people have improved their chances of finding a job, developed fresh perspectives on sustainable development, learnt a new language, gained a clearer idea of European citizenship, or found a new passion for volunteering: Erasmus+ has produced many success stories.

The Erasmus Programme has been enriching lives for the past 30 years. It is not just a time in someone’s existence, it is a turning point.


For more information: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/anniversary_en

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